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Bitten by K.L. Nappier – review


By K.L. Nappier

Published by Double Dragon Publishing

ISBN: 1-55404-475-8

Genre: Supernatural thriller

Pulsating, riveting…a full moon is about to reveal the danger lurking in the shadows.

kl-nappierK.L. Nappier has done it once again. Bitten, her sequel to Full Wolf Moon, continues the emotional connection between those ‘bitten’ and ‘The Beast’. We follow Max and David, hunters, hot on the Beast’s trail. Max’s intuition on the proximity of the werewolf is offered via a pentagram on his hand, one he acquired once the beast was removed from his own body.

Unlike other werewolf books, this Beast has the ability to jump hosts…until he jumps into one that masters the Beast itself to some capacity. This conniving strength makes it a larger and more dangerous entity for Max and David because it can now reason out and target unlike any other creature they’ve encountered.

Ms Nappier pulls you into the storyline, and actually her style reminded me a lot like Stephen King, where you get the essence of each key player in the beginning. This bonds you with the characters, causing you to continue reading to find out who will or will not survive. Max’s personal turmoil and love interest – Doris – is another fascinating subplot Ms Nappier has masterfully woven into the novel. Max discovers a secret someone close to him has been holding back, one that eventually places every single hunter in danger.

With a minimal of blood ‘n core, more relying on a fully fleshed out story, believable and touching characters, and a surprise twist, it’s no wonder Bitten was a Dream Realm Award winner in the horror division in 2007.

Great book to sit by the fireplace, snuggled in a comfy blanket, and one eye around for any creature lurking nearby.

Lea Schizas

December 1, 2008 Posted by | Supernatural/Horror | , , , , , | Leave a comment